Exclusive: Who Really Owns the Stradbroke Runner Superstorm? – Wayne Innes of Course

Honest Wayne Innes, lover of wires, mirrors, and easy money corrupt scams See the name of the owner of the Stradbroke runner Superstorm that I have circled? It’s Grace Solomon-Innes, the daughter of the corrupt cop, twice jailed criminal and racing fraudster Wayne Innes. Young Grace is not responsible for her father’s crimes, so it […]

Racing Queensland Are Searching Under the Wrong Rock – It’s the Race Club on the Fitzroy River They Should Be Looking At, Not the One on theBarron

The Rockhampton Jockey Club completed construction of 2 on-course horse stabling complexes last year. These stables were built with money provided courtesy of a Racing Queensland grant. It is rumored that the successful tender bidder for the project submitted their quote about a week after the tenders had closed. The whisper is that the winning […]

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