The Most Amazing Win Since Pakistan Star on Debut in Honkers – But What the Hell Went on Here at the Start?

Pakistan Star’s amazing effort had nothing on the win at Toowoomba yesterday Look inside the yellow circle. The horse drawn the inside. Do you see the barrier attendant blocking it’s path out of the gate? It’s a bit dark, so watch the slow-motion replay instead. Look closely. What is the barrier attendant doing? The attendant […]

The Greatest Showcase of QLD Harness Racing Ever – You Can Bet Your Arse on It

During the running of a race a driver shall not shout loudly, or make any improper noise Harness Racing Rule AHR.162(1)(t) Harness Racing Authorities shall not waste money promoting imbecilic race series that reduce wagering revenue while quadrupling costs The Reverend Archie Butterfly What’s all that bloody noise? Are they racing pigs now? Mrs Mango, […]

Let the Gay Blossoms Bloom – This Election is All About the Killer Crocodiles – Bob’s Your Uncle – Don’t You Worry About That

Bob Katter, made headlines in 1989 for famously promising to “walk to Bourke backwards if the poof population of North Queensland is any more than 0.001 per cent”. His half-brother, Carl, later came out as gay, but it didn’t make Bob anymore interested in marriage equality or human rights. The Mad Hatter had more important […]

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