Elton Asks the Hard Questions About Nick Walsh Scratching Two Horses From the Same Race on Saturday – So That Some Unidentified Punter With a Crystal Ball Could Get Top Odds About the One He Didn’t

So Nick Walsh scratched his horse Hell from the suspect race in Rockhampton in which one of his other runners Fine Shot was heavily backed because Hell hadn’t recovered from a virus that struck it down a month ago did he? The same illness that resulted in the so claimed elevated temperature that caused the […]

Robert Walters Dodges Up His License Documents – Honest Bob Lied

Stewards questioned licencee Mr Robert Walters’, concerned with evidence he had tendered at a previous licence inquiry. At the commencement of today’s inquiry Mr Walters admitted submitting to ORI falsified documents. Stewards, after investigating the circumstances into why and how Mr Walters had falsified the documents, subsequently charged him for breaching Australian Harness Racing (AHR) […]

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