Meet the Waterhouses – Those Who Do Not Learn From History Are Damned to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past

A lot of people have short memories. Not me. Want to know a little bit about the Waterhouses? Then watch this ABC documentary from 1986. It’s fascinating viewing. Click on the link and enjoy.—1986/2832202?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web

The Phil and Matty Show – Part 2 – The Quote of the Year – Or Why Phil Burrows Should Be Banned for Life

Philip Burrows at age 51 is now a multiple convicted drug cheat, after pleading guilty yesterday to stomach tubing one of his runners on the morning of the NZ Trotting Cup, and being given a 10-year-disqualification for his sins. If after 20 years of cheating fellow licensees, owners, punters and the sport Burrows was going […]

The McMullen Clan Fix a Race – And the Stipes Don’t See It – Oh Puh-lease! – What’s Going on Here?

The Stewards report above is absolute bullshit. Awholelotofpretty was not hanging out an any stage of the race at all. It’s driver Matt Elkins pulled it out of the sprint lane sit and three wide on the turn to give the horse behind the run through. This race a boatie, one so obvious that you […]

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