Moodie Blues – The Past Follows Half a Man – Or He Follows It (First Published 22 March 2022)

David Moodie was once the Chairman of Racing Victoria. He was also the paedophile trainer Gerald Ryan’s biggest owner, and his greatest supporter. When Dan Nikolic spoke out about Ryan’s attack on him as an apprentice, and other jockey’s who had been victims of the grub trainer’s abuse or attempted abuse joined in the chorus […]

The Pedo and the George Pell of Racing – Gerald Ryan and David Moodie Must Be Stood Down From the Sport – We Don’t Want or Need There Types Here

So finally, many months after we warned you it was going to happen, the awful, unforgiveable pedophile Gerald Ryan (pictured above) is under investigation for what I am happy to stand here at the threat of defamation action and say is his awful crimes against innocents, and his unspeakably evil cover-up merchant millionaire mate David […]

I Thought Slavery Ended in 1865

On the 31st of January in the year of 1865 the Abraham Lincoln led Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which abolished slavery. Uncle Abe got assassinated by an actor at the human movies 3 months later, but that’s another story. As of that date, slavery was […]

Here’s Looking at You Kid

Surely this comment can’t be directed at us. We’re not Karmichael Hunts. Just racing writers, working in a democracy where free speech is a basic right, and truth is the ultimate defence to defamation. I wonder if the person who penned this threat understands what this below means? We do, and so the Cairns Police. […]

Blow Up Sex Dolls Dressed in School Uniform With Students Faces Stuck On – Wouldn’t You Love This Sick Puppy Teaching Your Daughters? – What a Treasure

JAMES TREASURE A primary school teacher was jailed in 2019 after he filmed children at a Sunshine Coast beach and superimposed images of himself and children into sexually explicit films. The Brisbane District Court heard at the time the man had also made sex tapes with a blow-up doll wearing a uniform from his school, […]

Judge Morzoni Invents a New Word

Have you graBurgered anybody? I hope not, because it means violently seizing them and threatening their arm. GraBurgering has only been a legal expression for a couple of weeks. Judge Dean Morzone KC – solo without the Sunshine Band – invented the term, which is a great achievement for QLD ‘cos most Maroons hardly know […]

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