Greyhound Racing NSW Must Want the Sport to Be Shut Down – How Else Can You Explain This?

In the same week that the NZ government announced that it was closing greyhound racing down on welfare grounds, the peak body of the sport in NSW have gone and named a Group 1 race after a man who was once disqualified for 12 months for breaching animal welfare regulations by selling dogs for export […]

Racing Victoria Statement on Weir Sentence – Words are Cheap – Will the Chairman Still be Talking So Tough When it Comes Time to Decide Whether to Give the Jigger Man His License Back?

Racing Victoria (RV) Chair, Tim Eddy, has issued the following statement after the Victorian Racing Tribunal (VRT) today disqualified Darren Weir, Jarrod McLean and Tyson Kermond for serious breaches of the Rules of Racing in relation to acts of cruelty on three horses through the use of a prohibited electrical device known as a ‘jigger’. […]

I Hope The Barrier Attendants Don’t Ties Horses Tails to the Starting Stalls Here

A Pennsylvania owner-trainer has sued Penn National Gaming and several employees of Penn National Race Course for alleged negligence over a starting gate incident that she said led to a horse suffering a severe injury and subsequent euthanasia. Erin Carpio, who owned and trained then 6-year-old Sir Steele, alleges the gelding was injured after his […]

EXLUSIVE – Hi Ho, Hi Ho! – It’s Off to RQ the Greyhound Adoption Program (GAP) Goes

One of the key recommendations contained in the yet to be public released report of the review into QRIC’s operations is that responsibility for the Greyhounds Adopotion Program (GAP) should be transferred away from QRIC and over to the control of Racing Queensland. The Government is set to adopt the recommendation and make the move. […]

The Bundaberg Greyhound Track is Hurting Dogs – It Needs to Be Shut Down Without Delay Until the Track is Remodelled and Converted to Sand

The injury toll at Bundaberg from last Monday’s meeting alone In the latter part of 2022 and early 2023 Racing Queensland spent $1.4 million on upgrades to the Bundaberg greyhound track, including the laying of a new grass surface and a full renovation of the track levels and cambers on the turns. At the time […]

Belle on Saginaw

The horse may have been a “bleeder” but under the rules it’s only defined as a bleeder if there is visible blood at both nostrils, which the trainers is required to report. At the races it would/should be apparent to the vet and/or stewards. If a horse bleeds at trackwork trainers should report it, but […]

Anthony Bullock Claims Dead Pademelons Were Planted are Bollocks

Ben Yole’s best mate the Tasmanian greyhound trainer Anthony Bullock – who was recently disqualified for life after live baiting after the tail of a pademelon (a small possum sized kangaroo) was found on a lure at his property – has appealed his DQ, claiming that deceitful animal activists had ‘planted’ the tail. It’s a […]

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