Victorian Harness Racing is a Basket Case – Be Warned, the Pain Has Only Just Begun

If you think the massive reduction to prizemoney for the Breeders Crown series announced yesterday is the only crack on the chin that Victorian harness racing participants are going to cop this year, then I’d suggest you think again, for the pain has only just begun. There is no alternative, for as we’ve been trying […]

There’s Panic Among the Ranks of the Victorian Bookies, After Layoff McLauchlan’s Supreme Court Loss Leaves Their Hip Pockets Hanging Out in the Wind

Layoff McLauchlan gets the cash ready to give back to the punters The mail out of Melbourne is that a great many Victorian bookmakers are deeply concerned about the implications of the Supreme Court of Appeal’s judgement in the matter of McLauchlan v Ng, and what it might mean for them. As we wrote earlier […]

EXCLUSIVE – The Eye Picker’s Fatal Error – Part 1 – How Bookie David McLauchlan’s Supreme Court Crash Has Left Him at Risk of Being Fined or Jailed

Victorian bookmaker David McLauchlan’s failed Supreme Court action against punter Allan Ng has far-reaching consequences for his colleagues across the State. McLaughlan had sued Ng for $150 000 that the punter had lost to him placing bets over the phone on the Murray Cod, and then refused to pay. Ng said the bets were unlawful […]

EXCLUSIVE – The Eye Picker’s Fatal Error – Part 2 – For the Want of Piece of Paper and a Pen, Layoff McLauchlan’s$150 000 Was Lost

Telephone betting with licensed on-course bookmakers in Victorian is permitted in accordance with the conditions set by the Racing Minister contained in a Ministerial Approval that has been issued under Section 4 of the Racing Act, and only under those terms. The Ministerial Approval permitting telephone betting, and detailing the requirements that must be met […]

A Prime Pair of Grubs Get Turfed Out of Greyhound Racing For a Very Long Time

Kenneth Buxton and Bianca Reed The disgraceful duo pictured above, former greyhound trainer Kenneth Buxton and his girlfriend Bianca Reed, are among the worst animal abusers that the Victorian Racing Tribunal in Victoria has ever seen. These are not my words. They’re those that the eminent Chairman of the Tribunal Justice John Bowman wrote in […]

Our Thoughts on the D. Weir Sentencing – He’s Been F**ked by a Fairy

The full decision of the Victorian Racing Tribunal in the Darren Weir case has now been published, and is available for reading at What is striking about the decision at first glance is that it appears immediately clear that Weir has been sentenced on the wrong factual basis. The VRT has determined that the […]

Racing Victoria Statement on Weir Sentence – Words are Cheap – Will the Chairman Still be Talking So Tough When it Comes Time to Decide Whether to Give the Jigger Man His License Back?

Racing Victoria (RV) Chair, Tim Eddy, has issued the following statement after the Victorian Racing Tribunal (VRT) today disqualified Darren Weir, Jarrod McLean and Tyson Kermond for serious breaches of the Rules of Racing in relation to acts of cruelty on three horses through the use of a prohibited electrical device known as a ‘jigger’. […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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