Maskiell Gets 3 Months

Jockey Jason Maskiell has been suspended for 3 months over his poor excuse for a ride on My Schieller Wood at Seymour in November. It seems that Maskiell took our unsolicited advice to change his plea from not guilty to guilty, and in return the Stewards dropped the charge of not allowing the horse to […]

Book Your Holiday Now Ewa

Yesterday’s Boort Pacing Cup was a very weird race, both during and after. Collective Works, who was first past the post, lost the race on protest to second placed Lincoln River, who became the official winner. Then, after the protest was decided, Collective Works was disqualified from the race completely, and all placegetters were promoted […]

Trainers deny they owe $500,000 to company at the centre of Cup prizemoney fight

Danny Russell and Sarah Danckert The Age. February 7, 2025  Trainers John Symons and Sheila Laxon have denied owing more than half a million dollars to a collapsed company at the centre of their Melbourne Cup prizemoney dispute. The trainers say they are, in fact, owed $26,000 in outstanding fees by Esprit Racing, the company they worked […]

Trainers 1 Jockeys 0

In a previous life I was a union official successfully negotiating national collective agreements for TV and radio stations, major councils, sporting bodies and national government departments. The one common thread to all was unity: unity of people and unity of purpose. Unity of people as in all rowing the same boat in the same […]

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