That Ain’t Right Adman

Adman Hamilton reports on the HRNZ website that the Barry Purdon trained pacer Sooner The Better didn’t qualify for the Group 1 Chariots of Fire at Menangle by running 4th in the Hondo Grattan Stakes last Saturday night, and that the horse will have to try to qualify via the Paleface Adios in a fortnight. […]

Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery – And You Always Hear it Here First

Remember the exclusive we published during the week about the QRIC cutting costs by slashing the number of vets and swabbies at race meetings to one apiece? The issue that not even the industry members on the QRIC review committee knew about, let alone the mainstream racing media writers? Well finally after reading our stories […]

Will the Industry Racing Writers Report on Yole and the Murrihy Findings? – Are They Men and Woman or Cowardly Mice? – This is Their Test

I have often criticized the racing writers for,au, claiming far more regularly than I would like to that they are little but stooges for their employer who are afraid to say or write anything that doesn’t abide with the company line. Well here is there chance to prove me wrong. As readers of this […]

Beware the False News – From the Murdoch Media That Decry It

Food or school: Harrowing choice facing Qld families The return of school will add significant financial stress to Queenslanders, with some schools charging thousands of dollars for uniforms and supplies… Queensland families are being forced to choose between food, rent and fuel over rising school costs, new data from The SmithFamily reveals. Cost-of-living pressures are […]

Lock, Stock and Smoking Barrel

We broke the story about the Maher/Eustace partnership ending because David Eustace is going to Hong Kong, and just 12 hours later Racenet lifted it lock, stock and smoking barrel. Some old time writer once said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I think he was right. We’re flattered. Cheers Racenet. Merry Xmas. […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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