The Great Tabcorp/Sportsbet Gambit

As most know, the Victorian Government are hapless, hopeless and useless. The opposition is worse, but we won’t talk about that for the moment because it’s not part of the story. Dashing Dan Andrews mob are seriously contemplating issuing Sportsbet and Tabcorp dual licenses to run the TAB. It seems like madness. What will best […]

Why You’re a Mug if You Believe That the TAB Take Out Rate is Only 14% – And Why You Should Give Up Punting if You Rate Life North of the Tweed as Just 6-5 Against

It’s a commonly held belief among Queensland punters that the TAB only takes 14% commission out of the wagering pools. If it were true it would be pretty ordinary, for it would mean that for every dollar you bet you are really only getting a multiple of 86 cents in the dollar times your investment, […]

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