And One Plunge Doesn’t – But Personally if I was Tabcorp, I Would Be Looking Real Closely at the Market Setter For This Race – Just to Make Sure Their Name Isn’t Sally Snow

The Hulbert stable or their supporters didn’t miss this one. It was the 6th race at Lismore. Smart Kubrick was backed from $101 into $5.50. Now that’s a go of Getting Closer proportion. The horse was first up for four months, and had been beaten out of sight at it’s only two starts in Brisbane. […]

Come Into My Web, Said the Spider to the Fly – Taking a Western Tripp With Matt Trick

From the telephone discussion recordings between Dow and BetEasy staff, there is no doubt BetEasy was aware that: (a) the Account Holder (and her partner) had “two kids dying in hospital with a heart condition” and accordingly in a vulnerable position at the time; (b) the Account Holder’s partner was a permanently self-excluded gambler; and […]

So If the Now Banned TAB Lobbyists Didn’t Meet With Government Ministers to Lobby For Reduced Tax For Their Client, What Exactly Did They Meet With Them For?

Anacta is the lobbyist firm run by lifetime Labor hacks that was was banned earlier this week from speaking to Govt Ministers in an official capacity or dealing with the Government. In the past 12 months one or the other of Anacta’s chiefs (or both) met with Government officials 43 times, and then – lo […]

The Un-Level Playing Field

The largely foreign owned monopoly TAB and tote operator Tabcorp is spending hundreds of thousand of dollars right now, maybe millions, in a cynical attempt to persuade State governments around Australia to allow the company to break long-term, binding contracts that it entered into in good faith at a tendered or bid price, in return […]

The Aussie Fair Play Coalition Exposed

Australians are being bombarded at the moment by a xenophobic, Cronulla riot style PR, marketing and advertising blitz attacking corporate bookmakers as tax dodging, profit raping foreign thieves. The campaign is pushing for taxation of these corporate bookmakers, but it is utterly duplicitous, for its real purpose is to reduce the taxes paid by the […]

Fools Gold – The $150 Million Dollar Mirage – How Racing QLD Have Cashed Out $600 Million For a Quarter of the Ticket Price

Since mid-2019 Racing Queensland has been involved in litigation against Tabcorp, seeking hundreds of millions of dollars that it claims the company has underpaid in taxes and fees on various agreements struck by the parties. On the strength of the evidence presented, RQ has generally been regarded as a short priced favourite to win the […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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