Nutso’s Owners Steadfastly Refute the Official Story That Their Beloved Galloper Died of Colic, and Demand a Full Inquiry into the Circumstances of His Death at the Track

This is Nutso, pictured in the tie up stalls at Charleville before he raced in 38 plus degree heat on Saturday afternoon. He doesn’t look like a horse suffering from colic to me. Nutso won his race by 4 lengths. And now he’s dead. The owners, many of them making their first venture into the […]

Worst Practice HIA Assessment

What sort of worst practice head injury assessment (HIA) is this? A horse rears up and smacks its jockey in the head. No assessment at all is done by a paramedic or doctor – or indeed and trained professional – to ascertain the rider’s state of health, other than to ask the jock if they […]

Wake Up To Yourselves Little Boys

Why do racing writers from the mainstream media – in particular Murdoch press gumby Tom Biddington – continue to call Todd Balfour’s assault on a race day official a ‘dacking’, implying that pulling the Compliance Officers pants down and exposing his genitals for all the world to see while he was working to keep drunk […]

Todd Balfour’s 5-Year DQ a Lesson to All Licensees – Keep Your Hands Off the Officials, Or You’re Out of the Game

Former Adelaide gallops trainer turned stable hand and trackwork rider Todd Balfour’s 5-year disqualification for pulling down the pants of a Racing SA Compliance Officer who was conducting breath testing after the Kangaroo Island races and fully exposing the official from the waist down is utterly justified, and he was lucky not to get life. […]

Victorian Prohibition on Betting on Minors in Sport Sinks the Bookies at the Stawell Gift – But What Does it Mean For Racing?

The Victorian government’s recently introduced laws prohibiting betting on outcomes that relate to the outcome of the performance of an individual minor (age 19 or below) in a sports betting event has sunk the century old tradition of punting on the foot races at the Stawell Gift, with the organisers of the event deciding that […]

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