No QE2 for Sharp N Smart After PVL has a Chat to His Mate the Weather God, then Throws in an Early Crow to Mozz Merv’s Boy in the Derby

This was taken about half an hour prior to the Derby. PVL has gone the early crow and mozzed Merv! Why the hell did I get him those Director’s Lounge tickets? Bloody V’Landys. He’d pull any trick in the book to win a game for NSW when he dons the blue jersey. Hell, what am […]

Some Australian Derby Fun Facts

Race First Run 1861 Jim Pike’s Long Treble Phar Lap’s rider Jim Pike won three Derbies, 19 years apart. Pike won as an apprentice on Beragoon in 1913, then he rode Phar Lap to victory 16 years later in 1929, before landing his hat trick three years later in 1932 aboard Peter Pan. M0st Wins […]

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