Jason Bonnington is a Sexist Pig Who Must be Sacked Right Now

Listen to this. It’s Jason Bonnington speaking. ‘Really, (indistinct) had a gear change that much. Probably should. Brittany Graham’s not really my go.” WTF? Everyone in racing knows that a gear change in the way that thisĀ  grub is talking about it means gelding, or having your testicles removed. Bonnington has said this is on […]

Office Chicks? – You’re Out of Touch Gold Coast Turf Club, and Races Named Like This are Out of Time

Can you believe that in the post #metoo, Jeffrey Epstein and his odious mate Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew, Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins age, the Gold Coast Turf Club still thinks it is okay to name a race the OFFICE CHICKS QTIS 2YO HANDICAP? That’s what the first race yesterday was called. The office chicks? […]

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