Money For Jam Baz

I backed Australia live at 6-4 when the Poms were 6 down for 290 something, just for an interest, and because we were good things. It was money for jam. Baz ball is the best. Every game is exciting. This sort of cricket keeps test matches alive and relevant. Funny thing is it took a […]

The ABC Was Once the Great Voice of Impartial Reporting – Now It’s Just a Half-Perverted Extension of the Hillsong Church – And We All Know What Goes on There

Here is my stake in the ground. The ABC are absolute wowsers and wankers. Have you seen the government funded broadcaster’s so-called ‘expose’ on sports betting this week? What a crock of shit it was, an absolute Tim Costello style all gambling is evil because we say polemic published by a bunch of punt haters […]

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