The Two Drivers Caught Out by the Random Testing Operation at Alexandra Park – Let’s Hope What is Coming Makes Them Get Better
Always back the horse named self-interest, son. It'll be the only one trying
Famous old absurdist joke. What’s the difference between an Orange? A motorbike because it’s got wheels. Blair Orange has been selected as New Zealand’s representative in the upcoming World Drivers Championship in Berlin, Germany. Orange’s selection is insane, for reasons that we cannot publish at present due to name suppression orders issued by the NZ […]
We are now hearing whispers from down south and across the ditch that Mr Bella Button – Kiwi trainer Mark ‘Juice’ Jones – is going to take over Jack Trainor’s barns at Menangle when Turbo takes off to Jersey after the Miracle Mile carnival. In one way it would be apt, for birds 0f a […]
Well just look at this will you? Trainer Mark ‘the Juice’ Jones has turned an absolute cat who would be in the breeding barn if only she had any breeding into New Zealand’s most winning horse of the year 2023. Bella Button. Bugger me. Millwood Nike is a superstar wh0 has won 2 Group 1’s […]
Hayden Cullen used to train in partnership with Mark Purdon, but blood is thicker than water, so when Mark’s son Nathan Purdon decided to return home from Australia poor HC was left out in the cold. NZ’s most non-astute – or perhaps most poorly advised – multi gazillionaire owner Steve Stockman of Stonewall Stud threw […]
There were 9 races on the card at Addington last night. 9 horses got swabbed. 8 of them were winners of their race. Only 1 winner wasn’t swabbed. Guess who it was? Bella Button. They swabbed a 9-year-old mare who is the pride and joy of a small-time trainer instead. WTF? Mark Jones has got […]
I’ve always been a double down man at the blackjack table when I’ve got a two card 11 against a 5, that’s just the way I am. So in the face of Mark Jones legal threats, I will double down on him too. Jones is either the greatest trainer in the world, or the NZ […]
To save you looking it up it means you are a Billy Bunt. Sue me, will you sunshine? We will see. At least it gives you something to talk about down at the beach with Lurch. We all know he is training your horses anyway, just like Turbo does. Give up harness racing and litigation and […]
Jones is going so good that he has to bin dive out the back of HRNZ to get some clobber to keep him warm Well we’ve copped a legal letter from that Kiwi super trainer Mark Jones in relation to a few stories we’ve written lately about his extraordinary success with horses from other stables […]
Not a great start from the new Chairman On the subject of HRNZ press releases, I can’t be the only one that read with bemusement the one rolled out by incoming Board Chairman Phil Holden last Wednesday afternoon. It was as insulting to constituents – none of which elected him might I add – as […]