Nash Rawiller is the Modern Day Enforcer

The original enforcer, the great L.R. Dittman extraordinaire Mick Dittman earned the nickname ‘The Enforer’ in the 1980’s for his ability to get somerthing extra out of his mounts to carry them to victory when their realistic chances of winning their races looked forlorn. “Dittman’s lifted it to the line!’ was Ian Craig’s regular exclamation, […]

Can You See a Margin Here?

It’s a tough beat this one if you were on the inside in the 3rd race at Bathurst last night. To the naked eye as they crossed the line it looked for all money as if it had hung on. Then in the photo print it looks like it had dead-heated. The judges didn’t agree., […]

Would You Have Upheld It?

This is the head on Steward’s footage of the final stages of yesterday’s Frank Packer Plate at Randwick.. The outside horse won by 0.1 lengths, which is a nose in my book and a short-half head in Darren Flindell’s. Either way, it’s a bee’s dick. The outside horse came in a smidgen and they scraped […]

Dean Chapple Cops it in the Throat With Both Barrels – You Reap What You Sow

Tamworth trainer Dean Chapple has this week been disqualified for 2 years on a charge of presenting one of his horses to race (and win) with the painkiller Meloxicam in it’s system. Click to access 240419%20mr%20dean%20chapple%20inquiry%20conducted.pdf It’s an extraordinarily heavy sentence for a substance breach offence that usually attracts just fines. Look at some of […]

The Horse Killer is Lying Through His Teeth – This Bloke is Delusional if He Thinks He’s Going to Talk His Way Out of This One

The man who operates a southern New South Wales property that he says is at the centre of an investigation into hundreds of dead horses is denying any wrongdoing. On Wednesday, Wagga Wagga City Council revealed it was leading a joint investigation into the discovery of more than 500 horse carcasses on a property near the […]

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