You Bute – Part 2

Veterinarians in the early 1950s took up phenylbutazone, which they commonly called PBZ, as enthusiastically as their medical counterparts had. They used it to treat joint afflictions, particularly in horses where its anti-inflammatory action countered lameness, the main reason that prevented a horse’s ability to work or to be ridden in sport or recreation. Phenylbutazone was relatively cheap, […]

You Bute – Part 3

Concern about “doping” in horseracing came to the fore at the turn of the twentieth century, with controls that aimed to ensure fairness. The overarching powers of the British Jockey Club allowed them to ban “doping” from 1903 and introduce very severe punishments for trainers. The term “doping” was adopted from racing in the US; […]

You Bute – Part 4

That there were species differences in the rates at which phenylbutazone was metabolised had been known since the early 1950s (Burns et al. 1953), but this knowledge seems to have had little impact amongst veterinarians. There was no citation of the Burns et al. (1960) paper in the veterinary literature before the early 1970s (see Bogan 1972; […]

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