How is This Responsible Conduct by HRV? The Harness Charity Challenge is a wonderful concept that helps raise much needed funds for worthy charities, and the organisers deserve congratulations and applause for their unpaid efforts in organising and running the competition, which is basically a tipping contest centred on competitors paying $250 to buy in to play, and then betting imaginary […]

How is a Self-Proclaimed Problem Gambler Who Has Ongoing Problems With the Punt That Have Resulted in Him Being Jailed Twice For Fraud Allowed to Own Racehorses and Gamble on Race Tracks? – Don’t the Racing Authorities Have Duties in Relation to Responsible Gambling Too?

A former contractor who engaged in corrupt dealings with a Queensland council and the state’s racing body will be sentenced in a Brisbane court on Friday. Wayne Innes, 59, pleaded guilty to a slew of dishonesty offences in the Brisbane District Court on Monday. The court was told the former owner of Landfill Logistics had […]

Jason Bonnington Spouts Absolute Nonsense – Everything He Says Here is Wrong – What Else Would You Expect I Guess

The growing preponderance of preferential barrier draws on Victorian metro meetings since the National Ratings system was introduced harbours interesting origins. For years – even decades – there’s been an unverified, almost patriarchal belief that making races more even encourages wagering interest, which raises turnover and increases stakemoney. And, like many things in life, there […]

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