EXCLUSIVE – The Eye Picker’s Fatal Error – Part 2 – For the Want of Piece of Paper and a Pen, Layoff McLauchlan’s$150 000 Was Lost

Telephone betting with licensed on-course bookmakers in Victorian is permitted in accordance with the conditions set by the Racing Minister contained in a Ministerial Approval that has been issued under Section 4 of the Racing Act, and only under those terms. The Ministerial Approval permitting telephone betting, and detailing the requirements that must be met […]

EXCLUSIVE – The Eye Picker’s Fatal Error – Part 3 – How Layoff McLauchan Has Left His Bookies Comrades Standing Outside Naked in the Eye of a Shitstorm

The Supreme Court of Appeal is the highest court in Victoria. Decisions made by it establish the judicial interpretation of the law by becoming precedents that are required to be followed by all other courts in the State. The decision in the case of David McLauchlan v Allan Ng has laid down the law. Any […]

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