Best Practice Integrity Procedures When it Comes to Investigating Horses Deaths on Tracks

During the week we made trenchant criticism 0f the HRNSW for seemingly failing to take tissue samples from the body of the pacer Saginaw after he was euthanised on track at Menangle following an alleged colic attack. Less than a week later, on the opposite side of country, another pacer had the terrible misfortune to […]

How to Reduce the Kiwi Greyhound Population by a Third – Give the Dogs to the SPCA to ‘Care For’ and Kill

There is major push on in New Zealand by the so called Animal Welfare groups to shut down greyhound racing. Operating under a joint umbrella coalition, these groups – which includes the SPCA – are making a lot of noise in the press by claiming that the sport is inherently dangerous and cruel, and demanding […]

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