There is Movement at the QRIC Station, For the Word Has Got Around, That Restuctures and Redundancies Are Coming Straight Their Way

There are deep internal runctions about what appears to be a restructure going in inside the QRIC, with at least three integrity officials we are told in the gun, and fearful for their futures. People don’t get sacked in the public sector, not unless they have their hand in the till or act entirely inappropriately […]

The Jock, the Shock, the Doubt and the Thing – Why Ric McMahon Will Walk – Part 2 – One Way Down a Wrong Way Street, And a Decision as Bad as the Song

This jockey wasn’t caught with a jigger. The charges are based on the pictures taken by an innocent, well meaning photographer that were spotted by us, and published in a story on this website. In the absence of admissions or lag ups, this the best the prosecution got. Which means that the whole case hinges […]

Another Very Important Tip to Trot, Gallops and Greyhound Trainers – This Time About QRIC Recording You

Q. At what point are they turned on? A. BWCs allow authorised officers to collect audio and video recordings while working out in the field. Fieldwork includes situations such a routine stable/kennel inspections, animal welfare investigations, and race day Steward’s inquiries Comment: Do you notice that at no stage do QRIC ever answer it’s own […]

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