Court Hears That Ben Yole Ordered Staff to Inject Horses Twice on Race Day and Apply Paste Over the Tongue – This Grub Must Be Banned For Life

The defense lawyer for Ben Yole’s float driver in the terrible accident last year that left 2 young stable workers with permanent injuries has told the court that his client and the 4 other Yole employees in the car towing the float had worked from 7.30am on the day before the crash through to 1.45am […]

Only in Tasmania

Tasracing’s allocation of its slot in the Eureka to last night’s Beautide winner Fighter Command is farcical. The horse may be bred in Tasmania and owned largely by Tasmanians, but it is trained in Victoria by a Victorian trainer and driven by a Victorian driver, and until last night it had never raced in Tassie […]

Wayne Watch

Tasmanian’s worst trainer Wayne Yole kep up his outstanding record of failure by training the last placed horse in all seven races his stable contested at Hobart yesterday. That backed to Yole senior’s give last placings at Launceston on Friday to give him the unenviable record of twelve lat placings for the weekend. It’s amazing […]

Wayne Watch

Ben Yole’s dad’s weekend at the races by numbers. 2 meetings 41 runners 13 races 3 wins 10 last placings 80 average losing margin (metres) 6 horses stood down 4 placed on last chance to race truly What a cracker of a couple of nights out hey? I bet you wish that you could train […]

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