The Black Horse Isn’t the Only One That is Dying – Joseph O’Brien – Part 3

POSTSCRIPT ● Pedisnap didn’t win another race for O’Brien after the cobalt violation. Hillyer’s investigation of the trainer was not intended to catch a cheat, but to cover-up for a cheat. ● In addition to the intelligence the Black Horse Newsletter received about the case in Australia, we have found out the name of the […]

Letter From a Reader

Archie Do you now racing is barking up the wrong tree with thinking “animal welfare” is the key issue to sustainability? Well it isn’t, though not saying it’s not important, just not how you think. Something that markedly increases the cost to “bread and butter” breeders and owners – ie requirements to maintain all stock […]

The Planes, Honkers, Dingbat, Asian or Part-Asian Matt, and the Poor Bugger Story Continued – A Bloke Named O’Faherty Who Wanders Around Calling Himself the Tribunal Joins the Fray

Cast of Characters Honkers – Chairman of Stewards Dingbat – Deputy Chief Steward Planes – Respectable legitimate businessmen, being grilled by the stipes because …..? He can’t remember. Matt – Smallish Asian or Part Asian who pops up out of nowhere from time to time with a bag full of platinum bute. The Poor Bugger […]

Gangsters in Black Coats – The Night Jason Moran Went Nuts – A Story About Murder, Drugs, Footy, Greyhounds, the Punt, Alan Tripp and a Whole Lot More.

All the familiar figures – dressed as always in black – were at St Therese’s Church in middle class Essendon when they buried crime boss, Lewis Moran, the 23rd victim of Melbourne’s latest gangland war. I live nearby and regularly share a beer at the Cornish Arms Hotel, 100 metres down Sydney Road from where […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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