The Greatest Omen Tip Ever

Revered priest and social justice campaigner Father Bob Maguire went off to join his maker on Wednesday morning. Just hours before Father Bob, a horse named after him raced in the last at Albion Park. It was in the race after the one Courageous Saint won, which should have been the tip. Father Bob won […]

Tony, Tony, Tone I am a great fan of Tony McMahon, but I reckon he is getting carried away by his passion for all things Rocky when he describes the Archer slot runner Inver Park as an aristocrat of the English turf. Frankel is an aristocrat. So are Mill Reef, Brigadier General, Arkle, Eclipse, and Dancing Brave. Inver […]

Putting the NT Rehoming Program to the Test

At the invitation of Thoroughbred Racing Northern Territory (TRNT) Chief Steward David Hensler, I have perused the principal racing association’s Off The Track website pages thoroughly, and am most impressed. All retired racehorses in the Territory are rehomed according to the site. 56% are retired interstate, and attract a $250 transport subsidy to help move […]

A 21 Gun Salute to Ronny

The Etheridge Shire is a shit of a place, a barren 4000 square km wasteland north of Hughenden sitting between nowhere and nowhere else. No-one lives in the joint that once used to be called the Einasleigh Shire either, other than about 714 cow cocky’s or lost souls. According to the most recent census only […]

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