A Question to Prove a Point
Who won the last 5 Cups? Who rode them? You have 60 seconds to answer. No Googling. Yeah. See what I mean?
Always back the horse named self-interest, son. It'll be the only one trying
Who won the last 5 Cups? Who rode them? You have 60 seconds to answer. No Googling. Yeah. See what I mean?
Ben Currie’s appeal against being the first strapper to ever get put out on a presentation charge for which a horse’s trainer has been found guilty will be heard in the Racing Appeals Panel courtroom today, and it is a seminal moment in the history of racing. As most know, the Stewards have disqualified Currie […]
I know which version I prefer. It ain’t Chynna Marston’s. No-one means Chynna any harm. It’s about the horses. pic.twitter.com/DBmHJjTHOI — Chynna Marston (@chynna_marston) June 10, 2023 This Should clear a few things up.Claire Gee’s response… pic.twitter.com/CfVi51Twsy — John Scorse (@JohnScorse) June 10, 2023
Racing Victoria’s CEO Andrew ‘Bones’ Jones showed great promise during the month after his appointment, but it soon proved to be all puff and smoke and mirror and one two handed wankery. He is as useless as his predecessor the yuppie Giles Thompson, and as hard as it is to believe, probably worse. RV has […]
Matt has been my mate since were teens at the racetrack, and I love him. You would too if you knew him. About a decade ago his Mum was diagnosed with severe onset dementia, and all but one of his siblings wanted to put her in a nursing home because they claimed that they didn’t […]
It was a wonderful Ipswich family tribute to a caring mum and proud sporting dynasty. Winning the latest Ipswich Auction Sprint Series final with the aptly-named Little Byrnes meant so much for greyhound owner Matthew Cranitch and his children. Little Byrnes was the nickname of Matthew’s mother Margaret, who passed away in September 2018. Incredible […]
Chynna Marston — ambassador and face of horseracing broadcaster Sky Racing, and poster girl for recycled racehorses — is being investigated by Racing NSW after being reported to the RSPCA for her alleged mistreatment of animals. Last week, in news that raises questions about her high-profile appointment to Tabcorp’s Sky Thoroughbred Central, Marston and her […]
The news today is that the squeaky voiced greyhound fan Peter ‘Scooter’ Gleeson is making a comeback to the media after sensationally being sacked from his long-time various roles with Rupert Murdoch owned companies when discovered to be a dirty low, down plagiarist who regularly stole other people’s work and republished it claiming to be […]
Once upon newspapers had racing editors. Some of them even did their job and checked that everything on the racing page was tickety boo before they declared correct weight and put the paper to print. Things have changed now. The Courier-Mail hardly has any racing writers left at all, and there are no editors. That’s […]
In a sensation Sky Racing personality Chynna Marston has this week been placed on the Racing NSW exclusion due due to animal welfare concerns. As a person on the exclusion list Marston is not permitted to be provided with any retired thoroughbred that has been domiciled in NSW for the majority of their life, or […]