The Brilliance of Racing Queensland Never Ceases to Amaze

What you see above is the Stewards Report for the race meeting at Mingenew last Saturday, as published on the Racing Queensland website. There are two slight problems. The meeting was abandoned is one. The other? Mingenew is in Western Australia. Aren’t the people in charge of Queensland racing brilliant? God help us all.

Why Did Racing Queensland Buy $5 Million Worth of Grass Just Before Xmas? – Hey You Don’t Think They Are Smoking it Do You?

What you see in the picture are the contracts that Racing Queensland entered into just before Xmas to buy $5 million worth of ready grown grass from a turf farm at Wamuran, just near the Caboolture Sports Club, a half hour north of Brisbane. Five million dollars worth of turf? What the heck? Why would […]

EXCLUSIVE: I’ll Knock 50% Off the Price if You Put the Cash Into My Bank Account Today Mate – Just Don’t Tell Anyone – We Don’t Want Our Integrity Questioned – Matt Peters and On the Bit Racing Exposed

This is a direct message sent from Matthew ‘Matt’ Peters of the On The Bit Racing to a potential sponsor. Matt Peters is a director of On The Bit Racing, and in that role must comply with State and Federal laws. The Kristy referred to in the message is Kristy Peters, the wife of Matt […]

Show Me The Money Honey Bunny – A Tale of Bits, Rorts, Drumsticks and Fudge

Some people say we are picking on On The Bit Racing for nefarious reasons. Well let me tell you were are not. On The Bit Racing receives many hundreds of thousands of dollars of public money by way of contract payments from Racing Queensland, a government entity, for producing the broadcast of country race meetings. […]

Hey Mum, Did You Know That it Gets Hot in Far North QLD? – Yeah? – Then Why Didn’t You Tell Pins and the Crew at Racing QLD?

Now CEO Brendan ‘Pins’ Parnell and his crew at Racing Queensland have abandoned the rescheduled race meeting at Townsville that they had abandoned the day before. Racing administration north of the Tweed just goes from the sublime to the ridiculous. The maximum temperature predicted by the BOM for Cowboy City tomorrow is 32 degrees. That […]

Racing Queensland’s Boffins Should Get Go and Get a Job at the BOM, Where They Can Use Their Skills to Predict Floods on a Desert Mountain

Two days ago Racing Queensland, in all of their great wisdom, made the decision to reschedule the Townsville race meeting set down for tomorrow and move it to Friday. As a result of the unplanned change of race date, broadcast coverage of the meeting was moved from Sky 1 to Sky 2. Meetings on Sky […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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