Good Boy Gumbo – Racing QLD’s Commitment to Reconciliation Isn’t Worth a Bean

RQ is awaiting endorsement from Reconciliation Australia on its latest Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. RQ’s Innovate RAP seeks to embed the knowledge and learning gained from its inaugural Reflect RAP including its vision for reconciliation to create a future where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people connect with local communities through great racing events across […]

The Madness of King Pins and His Royal Court of Jesters (First Published 7 June 2022)

Global Turf Solutions (GTS) is the company that was awarded the lucrative $593 189.95 contract to remediate the Charleville race track. It was an extremely odd choice by Racing Queensland. GTS is a company that as is name suggests specialises in constructing grass and turf surfaces. I know the Charleville course well, for it is […]

Why Having Sex on the Creek is Totally Unacceptable – And Utterly Illegal – Do Racing Queensland Really Condone This Sort of Thing? (First Published 22 November 2020)

I guess you know now what our huge concern about Albion Park naming cocktails after roots was. The bloke who introduced them – the CEO – is on rape charges. You might as well just put a red light on the front gates. Fuck me dead. Pardon the highly improper pun. I wonder if they […]

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