The Canary is a Truth-Deficient Zone – Get Back in Your Cage Little Bird – It’s A Lot Safer There For Singers Like You

So I’m an honest man writing true stories about the trots and earning double six figures for doing so while breaking no laws and giving name, address, date of birth and fuck off mate interviews to police when questioned. Andrew Fitzgerald is a bum trot trainer and driver earning SFA who illegally syndicates shit pacers […]

Ben Hope Got Too Drunk to Drive, So He Bunged on a Sickie – It’s Time to Grow Up Son, Before You Piss Your Potential Away

If Ben Hope was a horse and they’d put him for sale at Canterbury Agricultural Park as a yearling he would have been the top price lot. Any buyer would want this well conformed colt by the multiple group 1 winning champion sire Greg Hope out of the multiple group 1 winning dam Nina Hope, […]

The Big Changes Being Proposed to New Zealand TAB

The future of the New Zealand TAB could become clearer this week as New Zealand’s sole betting operator receives proposals from the three overseas betting agencies looking to run the majority of its operations. But while racing industry bosses support the idea of what is being termed a strategic partnership, Racing Minister Kieran McAnulty will […]

I Thought Slavery Ended in 1865

On the 31st of January in the year of 1865 the Abraham Lincoln led Congress passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, which abolished slavery. Uncle Abe got assassinated by an actor at the human movies 3 months later, but that’s another story. As of that date, slavery was […]

The Hall of Fame is Saved, as the Auckland Trotting Club Sinks Further Into the Mire

The New Zealand Trotting Hall Of Fame is relocating from Alexandra Park to Cambridge. Hall Of Fame committee members voted unanimously last Friday to move the iconic museum’s exhibits to a new building which will be constructed as part of Cambridge Raceway’s extensive development programme. Given a notice to vacate by the Auckland Trotting Club, […]

Going, Going, Gone – Clip, Clip, Clop – NZ Harness Racing Bops

Know how many horses were permanently exported from New Zealand to Australia this year, including one owned by the CEO of Harness Racing New Zealand? Around 50. Which is pretty normal for a nation that exports around 500 horses a year. Know how many yearlings are sold in NZ each year? Here is an […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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