Bombshell Revelation at Rosehill Inquiry – Only 61 Horses Rehomed by Racing NSW in the Whole of 2023

Startling new information contained in a submission to NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Into the Proposed Sale of Rosehill Racecourse has revealed that Racing NSW rehomed just 61 retired racehorses in the 2023 year. This information was obtained from Racing NSW through an information request made under the Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act. Click to access […]

We Are Not Amused

This is a submission to the inquiry into the sale of Rosehill made by a horse racing hater named Janelle Dilger. What on earth it has to do with selling the track is anyone’s knows. But who does J. Dilger think she is purporting to speak for you and I? We are not amused. Horse […]

Lies, Lies, Lies – Setting Peter V’Landys and Racing NSW’s Role in the Sale of Racing NSW Straight

At the risk of being branded a PVL cheerleader, this sheer amount misinformation being circulated by racing industry participants such as form analyst John Walter can’t be allowed to pass without correction, for it poisons the proposed sale of Rosehill debate. Here is the truth about money owed to Racing NSW by the Australian Racing […]

A Brief Summary of the Submissions Made So Far to the NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into the Sale of Rosehill

Australian Turf Club Funds generated from a rezoned racecourse (sale of Rosehill) with a Metro Station would secure the financial future of the ATC into the next century Sale would allow creation of 25,000 much-needed new homes Proposed sale of Rosehill offers unprecedented benefits for the entire community, not just racing The proposed sale has […]

Another Grimson Horse That Raced Like a Half-Broken Down Crock and Finished Last

Frankie Ferocious wasn’t the only Jason Grimson trained horse that failed miserably at Albion Park last night. Hot and Treacherous totally bombed out too, with the triple Menange winner who started favorite in the million dollar Nullarbor slot race at Gloucester Park in April performing miserably in the Mr Feelgood behind Leap To Fame to […]

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