There is Movement at the Station – But It’s Not the Three Young Horses – They Are Dead

In the wake of our story about the deaths of three young pacer from the Stonewall Stud  stable on NZ tracks in the past four months, and the potentially fatal incident involving a driver at another, the RIB yesterday announced that has launched an investigation into the matters, seeking to determine whether there were only […]

Anyone Want to Buy Some Snake Venom? – Naja is the Cobra

Species 200mg 1gm Acanthophis antarcticus $170 $745 Acanthophis praelongus $210 $845 Acanthophis pyrrhus $850 $3,500 Agkistrodon bilineatus $50 $200 Austrelaps labialis $700 $3,000 Austrelaps superbus $400 $1,600 Bitis arietans $70 $300 Bitis rhinoceros $75 $340 Bitis nasicornis $75 $340 Bothriechis schlegelii $200 $850 Crotalus adamanteus $100 $450 Crotalus vegrandis $160 $700 Hoplocephalus bitorquatus $220 $900 […]

Another One Bites the Dust

Yet another crook caught up in the FBI horse doping scandal has copped their just deserts today. This time it was the sales rep for the drug company stealthily selling the gear. She got three and a half years. So far the Australian suppliers have slipped all the punches. That is about to change. ————————————————————————- […]

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