Don’t Cry For Ghislaine Maxwell – She’s a Paedophile, a Pimp and a Whore

This is an extract from convicted paedophile and child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyer’s cross-examination of the now Australian rape victim Virginia Giuffre. If you have even a shred of sympathy for Maxwell’s plight then read this and weep. Maxwell and Epstein organised a coordinated global media campaign to paint the brave Giuffre – a […]

He Waka Eke Noa – the Law Applies to Us All – Even to Lawyers – No, Especially to Lawyers

This is a letter from lawyer Allister Davis to a well-respected businessman and harness racing participant whose young grandson is seriously ill in hospital in New Zealand. The person concerned owned a runner in the ID21 Trotting Championship final, the culmination of a life-long dream, but he due to his beloved grandson’s illness and invasive […]

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