My Life, as Told By Virginia Giuffre – Know What? – We’re Okay – We Were Only Kids, It Wasn’t Our Fault – Part 2

Let’s talk about your decision to tell your story publicly, first in the Daily Mail in 2011 and in other places over the past decade. It was a massive change. I was scared in the beginning, you know? I wondered, Am I doing the right thing by my family, speaking out? What’s the cause and effect here? But I […]

The Dershowitz Door Opens

Alan Dershowitz is America’s most famous lawyer of the modern age. He was a Professor of law at the nation’s most prestigious university, and the most highly regarded jurist in the land. Jenna Roberts says he is a paedophile. I reckon he is too. Dershowitz has been sued by Jenna, and has hidden behind the […]

I Wonder Who Andrew’s Dad Was?

That’s the youngest royal son Edward in the picture above. Everyone thinks he’s the poof of the family, but he’s not. Prince Ed is the soft side of his made hard by war, orphanage and deprivation father Phillip. He and had Dad adored each other, and with good reason too. Charles is Phillip’s son as […]

I Told You So – I Told You There Will Be No Deal Either – You Should Believe Me, ‘Cos I Got it Straight From the Horse’s Mouth – A Champion Mare She is Too

An hour after the Epstein get out of cheap bullshit plea deal was unsealed ten days ago I told you that it didn’t protect the Royal Pedo, and that Prince Andrew was absolutely and utterly fucked. I’m not an admitted lawyer, but I know how to read and interpret legal documents and judgements. Prince Ped […]

Randy Andy Ain’t So Dandy Anymore

A US judge has rejected a bid by Britain’s Prince Andrew to dismiss Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit accusing the Duke of York of sexually abusing her when she was 17. The British royal – the Queen’s second son – had claimed that he was shielded by a confidential 2009 settlement between Giuffre and Jeffrey Epstein. Andrew […]

The Poor Minor Attracted Person Should Never Have Been Put in the Position Where He Had to Decide Not to Shave a Child’s Vagina – It Just Wasn’t Fair – He is a Lifesaver – The Kid is a Slut

Read this bullshit that a QCAT member uttered around Easter time last year. It wasn’t the ped’s fault, it was the little hussy’s who had been raped and abused. This is the attitude that victims like my wife, myself and our friend Jenna still face to this day. The judicial figures who say and believe […]

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