David Fowler Forgets Where He Is

I thought I was bad waking up sometimes and not knowing what day of the week it is, but race caller David Fowler puts me in the shade. Poor old David doesn’t know where he is. The races were at Ipswich yesterday son, not in Brisbane. If you don’t believe me try walking home. You […]

How Good Are You?

This is the low camera shot of the finish of race 2 at Mt Gambier yesterday. How do you reckon they finished? Inside 1st, middle 2nd, outside 3rd? Wrong. Try again from the replay. The inside? Wrong again. The angle at Mt Gambier is a shocker. It was a dead heat inside and outside, with […]

Terry Bailey Totally Balls It Up

You wouldn’t have been wanting to have bet in the run in the last race at Ballarat on Sunday, not based on Terry Bailey’s call anyway. He ballsed the whole call up well and truly. It wasn’t Aureate in the white cap that won the race, it was his stable mate Air Defence. Aureate was […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at peterprofitracing@gmail.com with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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