Updated Betting Market For the John Dumesny Replacement Parkes Spacemen Stakes (Group 11)

Report on the Parkes Spaceman’s great victory against Canowindra, after they cheated by sending the opposition’s linesman off There has been a flurry of early betting activity on the John Dumesny Replacement Parkes Spacemen Stakes (Group 11) so we’ve had to revise the market. We have also taken some bets by request on punters not […]

EXCLUSIVE – NZ TAB Betting Manager’s Improper Relationship With Known Associate of Criminals and Personal Ownership Interests in Racehorses Create a Major Crisis of Public Confidence in Racing

Matthew Peden is employed by the New Zealand TAB as it’s Manager of Risk. In this capacity Peden is responsible for the setting and movement of NZ TAB betting markets, and holds ultimate responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of wagers that are placed to win more than the maximum prescribed betting limits. In effect, […]

Hanging the Innocent to Protect the Guilty – The Aspley Central Tavern Management and Tabcorp Have Quite a Bit to Answer For (First Published July 2020)

The convicted racing fraudster, dog, police informant, con man, convict and thief Wayne Innes is apparently running around town calling your author a Karmichael Hunt. I think Wayno’s got the wrong end of the stick, and strongly suggest that he turn around and take a look in the mirror. It’s weird how people like Robert […]

When is This Crook Moving to Shepparton? – Before or After the Essential Inquiry into This Race and the Stewards Supposedly Policing It?

The mail is that talented Tasmanian harness racing trainer/driver Conor Crook has applied for and been granted 16 boxes at the newly constructed Shepparton Training Centre in Victoria, if and when it is ever completed (more on that later). His move can’t come quick enough for Tassie punters, who to a person are sick and […]

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