Archie Renews Acquaintance With His Old Mate Sal the Gal, the ACTU Secretary – After He’d Just Snorted a Line of Speed and Sucked a Scoob in the Dark in Rex Smeal Park

Sally McManus (below), the Boxer Boys (above). From left to right, Australian amateur lightweight champion Jack the Ripper, former NSW Heavyweight champion the Balmain Boxer, and weight trainer extraordinaire, great Australian larrikin, gold merchant, and all round top bloke Digger Dave. The little prick on the left backed 3 out of 5, at odds too. […]

Ray Green Can Get Stuffed – Our Jack Would Take His Rotten Orange to Town Any Day of the Week – Archie Declares Trans Tasman Trotting War

Jack Callaghan has copped a hammering from the NZ media for his drive on Spirit of St Louis in the Hunter Cup, in particular from Barry Lichter in an article quoting Ray Green published on the Lincoln Farms website, although you’d expect that given Lincoln’s close relationship to Green and owner Merv Butterworth. Here is […]

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