
OF ALL the crimes against Australians outlined in investigative journalist Frank Walker’s exposé Maralinga, the first is the most horrific. “Bring me the bones of Australian babies, the more the better.” This was the directive given by British nuclear scientists, making all Australians their lab rats in a cruel 21-year test of the long-term effects […]

Do You Still Reckon Ben Roberts-Smith Isn’t a Murderous Criminal? – Then Those That Did This to Our Nurses Weren’t Either

Many Australians, including a number of my friends, are still sticking up for Ben Roberts-Smith, despite the court finding that he murdered unarmed soldiers and civilians in cold blood, outside of the long and legally recognised global rules of war. That doesn’t seem to matter to Roberts-Smith’s supporters, who are clearly ignorant of the terms […]

How Many First Australians Were Born in Australia According to the 1861 Census? – None – Us Racist? – Never! – God Save the Queen

The figures above are the population of Australia in 1861, as measured by the Government census. Don’t forget that the Government in those days was the Crown. England. The Royals and the noblemen they appointed. We didn’t have one. We weren’t even a country, just a collection of colonies. Colonies being colonialized countries. As you […]

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