Rebels With Glued Paws, a Self Important Fol, and a Security Guard You Wouldn’t Feed – It’s All Just Soup to Me

There’s clearly two sides to this story. As an artist, I was unhappy to see young activists attacking Andy Warhol’s famous Campbell’s Soup Cans in the National Gallery of Australia on Wednesday.

Society should be breathing a collective sigh of relief that civil disobedience is the chosen modus operandi of the young people who are carrying out these attacks – Luke Cornish

Luke Cornish is 43 years old.

The two ‘young’ activists who glued their hands to the soup are in their late 40’s to 50’s.

This bloke is a clown, a self important fool trying to sound cool, hip and smart.

All he does in make himself look like a dickhead.

These middle aged birds didn’t attack the Campbell Soup cans.

They weren’t attempting to damage the art, and they were not selfish by doing it either, because they didn’t.

All the women old enough to be your mum did was scribble marker pen on the Perspex or glass protecting the Cans, and then gluing one hand to it.

The Perspex and glass that is, not the screen prints that the old genius and weirdo Andy did of different flavoured cans of Campbell’s soup.

If they were really attacking the soup the old ducks would have used sledgies and a flamethrower, not a bit of super glue and their hand.

This is the whole problem with the modern day activist.

They are all high and mighty, and believe that they are right and we are wrong, and the world is going to collapse unless we all do what they say.

Meat is Murder.

Non-Vegans are murderers.

Horse Racing Kills.

Jumps racing’s evil.

Gambling is bad, it destroys communities and lives.

Coal’s killing the earth.

They demand it all stop.

Demand demand demand.

But none of them have guts to really do anything about it.

There are no Che Guevera’s here.

No Emily Davidson’s, or Robert Emmett’s, or Joan of Arc’s, or Socrates, or Nelson Mandela’s or Gandhi’s, not even any 60-year-old grandma’s picking up a machine gun and taking on the Russians.

Just a whole hot air, lying down on roads where you can’t get ruin over, taking off your clothes then cross promoting on Only Fans, scribbled on protective covers, and gluing of hands.

Luke Cornish is a poncing poser.

And all these activists are just pretenders.

As for the security guards at the gallery?

The less said the better.

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