Prominent NZ Harness Racing Identities Found Guilty of Charges Relating to Indecent Assault on Stablehand

Two prominent young New Zealand harness racing identities have been found guilty of criminal charges relating to the assault of a young stablehand during NZ Cup week in 2021. The men cannot be named, but one is a previously disqualified trainer who has not been relicensed since their penalty expired, and the other a Group […]

WA’s Deni Roberts Wins the Australian Female Drivers Championship – But Chloe Butler From QLD Wuz Robbed

We couldn’t find the points scoring rules and conditions for the Australian Women’s Drivers Championship held at Launceston yesterday published anywhere, so this article has been written based on the Australian Drivers Championship (ADC) rules published on the HRA website. Click to access aust-driving-champ-rules.pdf Under these rules Western Australia’s Deni Roberts (pictured) has won the […]

Some Men Never Learn – It’s Because They Don’t Want To

Someone attempted to scratch trainer Megan Purvis’s two runners at Townsville yesterday. They logged onto her RISA account and pulled the two horses out, and the scratchings were automatically processed. Fortunately someone spotted it and alerted Purvis, who immediately got on the phone to the Stewards to tell them that it wasn’t her, and that […]

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