Racing Queensland Advisory Notice to Trainers 21 May 2021

From 1 May 2021, the Australian Rules of Racing will prohibit: the possession of injectable products containing cobalt salts; and the administration of cobalt salts by injection. These bans are set out in new rules AR 252A (possession) and AR 254A (administration). Penalties apply for failure to comply with these rules. Racing Australia reiterates its […]

Heathcote Update – It Was Injectable Blood Blood Builders

The drug Robert Heathcote was caught with this morning was Hemoplex. It’s mixture of iron, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, just like the boost paste that Heathcoate crucified Ben Currie for using. There is a big difference between the two though. Boost paste is given to horses over the tongue. Hemoplex is injected with a […]

The $51 500 Gladstone Race Meeting Was a Rort – There Needs to Be an Inquiry into What Went on Here – The Integrity of Racing Demands It

The Gladstone race meeting in Queensland was a five race card carrying $61 500 in prizemoney, including QTIS bonuses. It should never have been held at all. The whole thing was a scam. Racing Queensland guidelines specify that a race has to have five acceptors to proceed. If it does not, then the race is […]

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