A One Ring Circus

Is this for real? Was there just only Steward – Mr Kim Daly – officiating at yesterday’s Chinchilla race meeting? Did Mr Daly also perform the duties of the Clerk of the Scales? Why were there two judges and two vets, but only one steward and no clerk? How could Mr Daly possibly run the […]

The Robert Heathcoate Hemoplex Affair Raises More Questions Than it Answers

Cobalt containing injectable formulations such as Hemoplex® and Hemo-15® are approved for clinical use by veterinary drug regulating authorities in many countries including Australia, Canada and Hong Kong, and several cobalt containing oral supplements such as Avalia-4®, Boost Paste® and Horsepower® are commercially available. The acknowledged use of cobalt containing compounds in medicine or simply […]

QRIC’s Principal Vet Said Hemoplex Has No Nutritional or Welfare Value – And the Appeal Body Says There is No Excuse For Using It

The Cobalt precedents for a ‘presentation’ offence within the Queensland racing industry previously incurred a minimum penalty of a twelve (12) month disqualification. Notwithstanding, in some recent matters penalties of a nine (9) month disqualification have been imposed, taking into account the relevant circumstances of individual cases and that of Queensland Civil Administration Tribunal decisions, […]

Robert Heathcote Spins a Yarn, and Talks Himself into a World of Pain – Why Every Heathcote Runner Since May Last Year Must Be Disqualified

Rob Heathcote is claiming that he didn’t know Hemoplex was banned. That’s a load of rubbish. EVERYONE in the close knit racing world knows that the cobalt containing solution is banned, so it is inconceivable that Heathcote doesn’t. And be clear that we are not talking false positive cobalt caused by Vitamin B being spun […]

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