Guy Didn’t Look Too Good at All
Why did Guy Looks Good go so bad in this race at Burnie on Sunday? If he really was tying up, then why? Was it because the Bain/Summit owned pacer hadn’t been exercised properly in the 7 weeks leading into this race? After all, lack of conditioning for a race is one of the major […]
Why So Many Ben and Wayne Yole Trained Horses Were Scratched Last Weekend
This is the official reason for the scratching of 17 Yole trained horses from the Bunbury meeting on the weekend, as reported by the Stewards. As we foreshadowed in our story about the issue, politician Dean Winter was wrong about the horses being scratched because their appointed driver refused to take the reins. That tale […]
So Its Deja Vu All Over Again
Ben Yole is back at Burnie and he wins four races, one of them as usual with every runner in the field. Chainsaw’s 72 year old father Wayne – who has trained just 3 winners in the past 15 years, but had a whole bunch of Bain/Summit/Solotrek horses transferred to him after his son was […]
More Yole Controversy at Burnie Today
This has been posted by Dean winter the ALP member for the Tasmanian state electorate of Franklin, a seat in which I once helped to run a successful campaign for the former opposition leader and Labor rat David O’Byrne. Winter says that 17 of Ben Yole’s horses have been scratched today because their drivers have […]
Supreme Court Clears Yoles and Fords to Race
Harness Industry Release Friday 1 March 2024 Tasracing notes the decision of the Supreme Court of Tasmania earlier today. Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins said the ruling meant that the company was unable to take any further action to prevent harness racing industry participants Ben and Tim Yole and Nathan and Mitchell Ford from entering race […]
Ben Yole Matter Listed For Hearing in the Hobart Supreme Court at 2pm Today
Despite our half-hearted efforts yesterday we were unable to draw any information out of the team Yole lawyers regarding the mail about TasRacing going to the Supreme Court in an attempt to prevent he and his boys from racing this weekend. It didn’t matter in the end because we sussed the truth of it from […]
Wil Ben Yole Be Racing This Weekend?
The word out of the apple island is that Tasracing, still reeling after its big defeat at the Racing Appeal Board, are making application to the Supreme Court to prevent Ben Yole from racing his stable horses in his planned comeback to the track this week. The grounds for the mooted application are unknown at […]
Are Ben Yole’s Horses Eligible to Race This Weekend?
How can Ben Yole have horses racing this weekend at Hobart & Burnie when they haven’t and can’t have been in the care of a licensed trainer for the last 28 days as required by the rules, given that until a week ago Yole was warned off? If you are warned off, obviously you can’t […]
Re Ben Yole
Hey AB Why would anyone want to help Tas racing? Totally incompetent – it is so bad perhaps it is deliberate. They still have a hope but they don’t have the balls AHR rule 23 (13) “The Controlling Body or Stewards may reject a nomination without giving any reason” It is as clear as day […]