‘Tis the Season to Be in Court

In what seems to be an extended season of racing licensees making appearances in court on various types of criminal charges, we look to Tasmania and find another one. No it’s not Ben Yole, even though it should be. Chainsaw is facing workplace health and safety charges at present, not criminal ones. That task is […]

Has Ben Yole’s Sidekick Robbie Walters Breached the Terms of His DQ?

Hello As you’re probably aware Ben Yole’s associate Robert Walters (pictured at top) is on the Tasmania unpaid forfeits list, which disqualifies him from participation in the industry. https://nre.tas.gov.au/racing/disqualified-warned-off-and-forfeits-list#Harness-ForfeitListbr He certainly can’t own horses and definitely can’t be in contact or associate with licensed people. Have a look at the ownership of Always Be Brendan […]

A Grisly Tail of Drugs in Racing, Dogs Maimed For Life, Rule Breaches, Undue Suffering and Stewards Who Just Aren’t Doing Their Jobs

Hey Archie Help a bloke out here & tell me how a trainer charged with animal welfare breaches can be given a stay of proceedings that allows them to continue to train? The parasite I refer to is Nicholas Howlett (pictured), the same trainer who raced a dog with cocaine in it’s system and tried […]

The Great Tasmanian Racing Dilemma

Tasmanian racing is a fiscal basket case. The just released 2023/24 Tasracing annual report reveals that the three codes of racing earn just $34.4 million a year between them, but it costs almost $70 million to keep the game running. That means that the dogs, trots and gallops run circa $36 million in the red […]

And the Tasmanians Wonder Why Their Integrity Management Regime is the Laughing Stock of the Racing World

Remember the story we told you last week about Tasmanian trot driver Mitch Ford hooking an Emma Stewart trained odds-on favorite named Free To Play at a recent Launceston meeting? Well the Tassie stewards have found Ford guilty of failing to take all reasonable and permissible measures during therace to ensure that Free To Play […]

The articles published on this site are the honestly held opinion of the author, based on observation, research and the materials available to and read or watched by them. The author makes no representation that the opinions expressed are strictly factual or provable in law. Racing is funded by public money, and issues to do with racing and gambling are matters of public interest. The honestly held opinions expressed in articles on the site are published on the basis of the public interest in the integrity of racing. Should any person believe that the author's opinions expressed herein are incorrect we encourage them to contact the author at peterprofitracing@gmail.com with their concerns, and appropriate corrections, alteration and deletions where appropriate will be made.
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