Chynna Marston Update – And Why She Must Be Stood Down or Sacked by Sky
All the offices are closed at the moment so we cannot get official confirmation this evening, but the information we are receiving is that the ban relates to the severe malnourishment of a retired racehorse in her care that left the horse near death when discovered. Adding grist to the mill of concerns is that […]
Chynna Marston’s Got Form
On 2 July 2020 Chynna Marston was fined $10 o0o by then Racing NSW Chief Steward Marc Van Gestel for animal welfare offences. The penalty was suspended for 2 years on the basis that Marston did not reoffend. A condition was placed on her that she was not permitted to have any more than 16 horses […]
Why This Website and This Author Truly Believe That Chynna Marston Should Be Sacked
We have been subjected to a degree of online abuse this evening, which is okay by us within the limits of how it was thrown, for we believe in free speech and expression of opinion, as long as it free and fair and doesn’t involve calling being rock spiders. But in light of this reaction […]
EXCLUSIVE – How the Hell Did Jackie Berriman Get Away With a Fine For This? – Watch the Video and You Tell Me
Particulars You are, and were at all relevant times, a trainer/jockey registered with Racing Victoria. On 3 December 2020, at 39 Bluff Road, Bass, Victoria, 3991, being the licensed premises of trainer Eric Musgrove, you did, following a verbal discussion with registered stable employee Sharon De Grandi, push her and pull her to the ground […]
Who Needs a Michael Jackson Sized Budget to Make the Perfect Music Video? – Good Luck and Have a Winning Day
You can take Billie Jean and stick it up your clacker as far as I am concerned, and stick Thriller up the same Khyber too. The greatest music video ever made is the one for Countdown that launched the career of AC-DC into the stratosphere. It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna […]
Singapore racing is effectively over, but this story is not. The reaction from some in world racing after Monday’s stunning announcement that the Singapore Turf Club would cease racing after 180 years, in October 2024, was ‘how sad’ but then, far too soon from some, ‘what was your favourite Singapore racing memory?” Maybe blame the […]
Meet Wayne Innes – The Man Who Robbed Queensland Racing
A former police officer who engaged in dodgy dealings with a Queensland council and the state’s racing body was trying to keep his head above water financially, a court has been told. The former owner of Landfill Logistics had agreements to pay a council executive a $1.5 million kickback among other rorts and he also […]
Sometimes I Wonder Why I Bother
G’day Phil Happy as always to make corrections when required, which has been done with the error admitted. Also happy to publish correspondence such as your own. Be aware though that your assertions are incorrect in some aspects too, which I shall point out in the Author’s Comments underneath your published message. Glass houses and […]
We Warned Them, Didn’t We?
We have been telling people for weeks that PVL was going to introduce rich new feature races in date slots that some of the foolish Principal Racing Authorities that are backing Racing Victoria’s mad-arse plans wouldn’t like, haven’t we? Well gee, we must have a crystal ball. Or an ounce of nous and a smidgen […]