Get Your Gear Off, Close Your Eyes, Clutch a Whip Tight, and Imagine an Elephant Playing a Trumpet – Welcome to Racing Queensland, the Employer Who UpliftsAll

Annual Flu vaccinations Because the COVID ones are just a big pharma con and scam, and don’t actually work. Bi-annual onsite Corporate Massages I myself would prefer a straight one, but whatever floats your boat. Actually, no I wouldn’t. I’ve been following the Jeffrey Epstein trial. Massages in the workplace are pervy and totally inappropriate. […]

The $9 Million Sunshine Coast Egg, Spoon and Sack Track – Another Racing QLD Success Story

Synthetic race tracks have been tried and failed before in the Sunshine State, on more than one occasion. No-one wants them, and even fewer want to race on them. That didn’t stop the gurus from Racing Queensland spending $9 million to build another one, success never having been a key performance indicator for government desk […]

Gee These Poly Tracks Are Popular

This is the full list of scratchings for the Brisbane metropolitan meeting transferred to the synthetic track at the Sunshine Coast today because of the rain. Do you reckon Racing Queensland still think that its new wet weather meeting transfer policy is a winner? As long as it generates some betting turnover, probably. Not many […]

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