The Big Plunge Misses – The Dead Horse Wins – The Kiwis Are Going So Bad at the Moment That They Can’t Even Fix a Trot Race

The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, / Gang aft agley (often go astray) – Robert Burns Kiwi drivers Blair Orange and Gavin Smith has it all worked out in the 9th at Addington today. Orange’s was on A Bettor You, the odds on favourite from the Mark Purdon stable at $1.80. It was […]

I Guess This is What Happens When You Select the Second Prizer as Your Leader – Your Sport Runs Second Too

We have written often about the NZ Racing Integrity Board’s strengths and weaknesses. With good reason the themes of these stories have been 10-1 the weakness way, and we are probably going soft on them at that. The treatment of driver Tim Williams, whose dad is on the board – and therefore the Stewards and […]

The Aussie Who Killed the Cup

Former Racing NSW and Racing Australia Chairman John Messara came to New Zealand a couple of years ago to compile a report into, and recommendations about, how to fix the ills of New Zealand racing, which didn’t really have any great ones at all. Why they thought an Australian who was the Chair of one […]

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