The Cards Fall Copy That’s Way After the Draw – But The Grinner is Far From Over Yet, Don’t You Worry About That

The intrigue that has surrounded the Race By Grins has taken a stunning twist and turn after the barriers were drawn last night. Copy That has become the clear favourite after pulling the perfect barrier 4, which will become gate 3 after the almost certain scratching of the 2 horse Smiffy’s Terror. There is very […]

Protest Upheld Phil Burrows – Sorta – Maybe – Not – Matt Anderson aka Vanderkley Might Even Escape Yet – Phil Burrows Certainly Will

New Zealand trainer Phil Burrows got sprung drenching 2 of his horses on Cup Day. The RIB put him out for 10 years. Burrows appealed. The appeal was heard last Friday. This was well after the Sheryl Wigg judgement, in which grave doubt was cast upon the legality of appeals being heard by panels that […]

A Manifestly Excessive Penalty, and the Big Issue That the Judge Ducked and Dodged – Welcome to the Sheryl Wigg Decision – Just Don’t Open the Box Mr RIB CEO – There’s a Ticking Time Bomb Inside

This is the list of comparative sentences tabled in Sheryl Wigg’s appeal to the High Court against the sentence imposed on the amateur driver and trainer after an undercover surveillance team from the RIB caught her administering a paste made up of turmeric and black pepper to one of her horses on the day of […]

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