The Foot Bone’s Connected to the Leg Bone – The Leg Bone’s Connected to the Knee Bone – The Knee Bone’s connected to the Thigh Bone …. – The Great Rock N Roll Greyhound Racing NSW (Maybe) Rort – (First Published 7 May)

Something strange is going on at Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW), something very strange indeed. There are supposedly unconnected connections happening left, right and centre, and the unconnected connected people are making a motza through their unconnected connections. If you know what I mean. The law firm Pryor, Tzannes and Wallis that was formerly owned by […]

Greyhound Racing NSW Must Want the Sport to Be Shut Down – How Else Can You Explain This?

In the same week that the NZ government announced that it was closing greyhound racing down on welfare grounds, the peak body of the sport in NSW have gone and named a Group 1 race after a man who was once disqualified for 12 months for breaching animal welfare regulations by selling dogs for export […]

In New Zealand Having Your Greyhound Put Down is Now a Criminal Offence, Punishable by Imprisonment

One thing that has been largely missed amid all the hoopla and hype about the NZ Government’s announcement that greyhound racing will be shut down is a new law passed under urgency in parliament yesterday. The Racing Industry (Unlawful Destruction of Specified Greyhounds) Amendment Bill – now passed into law – makes it a criminal […]

NZ’s Leading Greyhound Trainer Makes Eight Retired Race Dogs Disappear Off the Face of the Earth – And Some People Wonder Why Racing is Being Shut Down

Just one day prior to NZ Racing Minister Winston Peters announcing that greyhound racing would be shut down, the Racing Integrity Board (RIB) handed down its ruling on rule breach matters involving the country’s leading trainer Lisa Cole. The decision highlights exactly why the new law criminalizing the killing of unwanted greyhounds is a grand […]

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