Garry White Cops Two Years For Needling Horses on Race Day – He Should Have Been Warned Off For Life

NSW gallops mentor Garry White has never been a great trainer, or really anything much more than struggle street Stan. His career strike rate is about 11%. Between April and September this year he all but doubled it. 10 from 50 at 20% White returned during this period. It would be nice to think that […]

The Drugs, The Drugs – The Aussie Connection to the US Doping Cases – It’s Us Not Them (First Published 18 August 2021)

As it set out to root out cheaters, the Jockey Club found two kindred spirits across the Hudson River, at the Meadowlands racetrack in New Jersey.  Jeffrey Gural, a second-generation New York City developer, runs the track, which hosts thoroughbred and harness racing.  Brice Cote, a former minor league relief pitcher and police detective, is its […]

The Crystal Ball Glows Bright

Remember what I told you 6 weeks ago about the dog Daryl Maguire rolling over on Gladys? He wasn’t on the witness list. Then today he suddenly appears. As the witness before Gladys. He’s on for one day. What is going to happen is that his secret statement given to ICAC in return for an […]

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