Response From the QRIC re Alleged Criminal Attending the Country Racing Awards

We thank the Deputy Commissioner for her response to our correspondence to the Racing Minister expressing our concerns about an alleged violent offender being nominated for a Queensland Country Racing Trainer of the Year Award, and being permitted to attend the awards ceremony. It is comforting to know that the QRIC has taken action in […]

EXCLUSIVE: I’ll Knock 50% Off the Price if You Put the Cash Into My Bank Account Today Mate – Just Don’t Tell Anyone – We Don’t Want Our Integrity Questioned – Matt Peters and On the Bit Racing Exposed

This is a direct message sent from Matthew ‘Matt’ Peters of the On The Bit Racing to a potential sponsor. Matt Peters is a director of On The Bit Racing, and in that role must comply with State and Federal laws. The Kristy referred to in the message is Kristy Peters, the wife of Matt […]

Show Me The Money Honey Bunny – A Tale of Bits, Rorts, Drumsticks and Fudge

Some people say we are picking on On The Bit Racing for nefarious reasons. Well let me tell you were are not. On The Bit Racing receives many hundreds of thousands of dollars of public money by way of contract payments from Racing Queensland, a government entity, for producing the broadcast of country race meetings. […]

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